Almost certainly not. But it’s fun to play along, so close your eyes, put on your imagination cap and come along with us.
One encounter with a pack, whose appearances suggested a wolf in their close family tree, had almost brought a new meaning to the phrase "meals on wheels".
Still, a bushel of corn that sold for two dollars and 12 cents in January, 2005 went for almost six dollars ($5.97 on the Chicago Board of Trade) at Friday's close.
Most goes in cash payments to parents; in France and Scandinavia, by contrast, most of the budget goes on child care. In western Germany almost all schools and nurseries close at lunchtime.
From that high through the close on July 2, the index dropped almost 16%, though it's made a bit of a comeback this week.
On the contrary, if the seat steering wheel is too close, grasp the steering wheel bending the arm after will be very big, crash, it is almost no space curved, also it is easy to fracture.
This comes close to a rejection of almost all new coal-fired power plants on the drawing boards, including the 11 plants recently proposed by TXU, a Texas utility.
As you close in on the point where the Atlantic meets the Indian Ocean the race will be almost over, the wind can die off leaving a nail biting finish to a 3,500 nautical mile race.
The O3 concentration has close relationship with the solar radiation intensity and reaches to the maximum at 14:00 almost and decreases on night for the deoxidization reaction on each layer.
I go for almost 18 years, 18 years I have close to 10 years has been working on a thing, is the product life cycle issues.
Living on campus is a good choice! except providing us safety, it is close to everything --> gym, bookstore, library and teaching buildings…almost every place is in a five mins walking range.
Far reaching horizons were superseded by an extremely closed image composition, creators focused on things close to them, recorded almost anonymous environments.
"It is almost like being on a boat, the water is so close," he says.
"It is almost like being on a boat, the water is so close," he says.