The waters of ignorance close over only too quickly.
The way to solve it is to have the handler close over something that won't change.
We have already seen a number of bakeries close over the past few years because of cost pressures.
Prince Ippolit brought her reticule, moved to her side, and bending close over her chair, sat beside her.
Many power stations are due to close over the coming decade (see chart 1), and supplies are getting tight.
To do this recursively, you close over the rest of the join point by encapsulating the proceed (..) call in an anonymous class.
为了实现递归,可以通过将proceed(. .)调用封装在匿名类中来隐藏连接点的其他部分。
Whatever its consequences, time would close over them; they would all in a few years be as if they had never been, and she herself grassed down and forgotten.
WITH A SMILE that never left his lips, Nikolay sat bent a little forward on a low chair, and stooping close over his blonde beauty, he paid her mythological compliments.
In fact, some experts predict that the majority of Japanese temples without income from tourism and other businesses are expected to close over the next several decades.
Over the next few months we will keep a close eye on sales.
Up close, it seems a little all over the place, but from farther away, the true path shows and in the end it justifies all the turns along the way.
Already well over 400 of the total of 6,800 languages are close to extinction, with only a few elderly speakers left.
Until just recently, most of us thought the sand had come from an ancient mountain range fairly close by that flattened out over time.
Events over the last year have created a close-knit community.
He came up close, breathing alcohol fumes all over me.
In national over-the-counter trading yesterday, Clarcor shares tumbled $6.125 to close at $35.625.
They walked in a crouch, each bent over close to the ground.
The party is over. Close the gates.
It's worth noting that even if Apple ultimately loses this case, it has plenty of technical means to close a backdoor over time.
We are close to a knowledge of annual summer and winter temperature variations over much of the northern hemisphere going back 600 years.
Yet it is worth noting that even if Apple ultimately loses this case, it has plenty of technical means to close a backdoor over time.
Already well over 400 of the total of, 6,800 languages are close to extinction.
When Lip-Lip got close to her, she turned Lip-Lip over and bit him until she let him go, but White Fang had a bigger problem.
当 Lip-Lip 靠近她时,她把 Lip-Lip 翻过来一直咬,直到放他走,但是白方有一个更大的问题。
One day gunmen walked into the restaurant and shot diners and staff at close range, spattering blood over the walls.
Over the years Vernon had become a close friend of ours.
That would mean annexing about 8% of the West Bank, including the large settlement blocks built up close to the border over the years.
Then a close friend came over with her eight-year-old son, who insisted on swimming, and it just became impractical to stop them.
Do not let the floodwaters engulf me or the depths swallow me up or the pit close its mouth over me.
Do not let the floodwaters engulf me or the depths swallow me up or the pit close its mouth over me.