While both sides agree that the ceiling should be raised in conjunction with new deficit-reduction measures, they have fallen out over whether to use increased revenues to close part of the gap.
Even more galling, over the past four decades many Asian countries have begun to close their income gap with the United States.
The World Bank has estimated Africa will need $93 billion a year over the next decade to close the continent's infrastructure gap with developed parts of the world.
Over the longer term - 20 years - letting all of the Bush cuts lapse would close only about 40 percent of the budget gap.
When you're pushing to close the gap, you lock the tyres just once and it takes several laps to get over the flat-spot.
First, to retain the Premier League title, and second, to attempt to close the gap on Barcelona, United's conquerors in two Champions League finals over the past three seasons.
First, to retain the Premier League title, and second, to attempt to close the gap on Barcelona, United's conquerors in two Champions League finals over the past three seasons.