As the only teacher in Shaniping Primary School, which was closed because of COVID-19, Huang went to 7-year-old Zeng Yufen's home.
To cut costs, Luochuan has closed down nearly half of its 320 primary and middle schools since 2003, resulting in lay-offs for more than 700 teachers and forcing many more children to board.
With proprietary, closed-source software, your primary moneymaking plan is to sell licenses, and possibly do some custom work for specific customers.
But that edict closed off the primary revenue stream for the dozen tiger farms nationwide.
On the day, 14 primary schools and 10 junior-high schools in Seoul were voluntarily closed. No celebration was held.
Here, in their primary unity, motion and station are both closed and open; concealed and revealed.
In Electric actuators, the primary limit switches are used to control the open and closed position of the valve.
The problems in the control system of EGS partial reuse are analyzed, then the primary control system has been improved to achieve the closed-loop control of EGS reuse.
The aerodynamic performance of turbomachinery for an gas turbine engine based on a semi-closed cycle employing carbon dioxide as the primary working fluid was analyzed.
Use high voltage gas-free spraying or roller coat to deal with the cleanness and roughness of the surface. And paint a coat with epoxy closed primary coat paint.
Most surgical wounds are closed fully at the end of the procedure (primary closure).
Furthermore, the fact that applying convolution operator is closed to inducting new attributes, just the time shifts of the primary attributes, is proved.
There are two primary ILH system configurations available, Open Beam and Closed Beam.
When the secondary circuit is closed, both primary and secondary currents set up a flux in the core.
It was found that this grafted carbon black was the nano-particles and the particle size was closed to that of the primary particle.
It was found that this grafted carbon black was the nano-particles and the particle size was closed to that of the primary particle.