The closely-held company is well-known in China for releasing its phones for sale online in limited batches.
In a closely held company, the manager is hard to oust because he owns most of the firm.
Paul Ceglia sued Facebook and Zuckerberg in state court June 30, claiming that an April 2003 contract entitles him to ownership of most of the closely held company.
The project contractor, O &G Industries, was described on its Web site as a closely held company based in Torrington.
The closely held company, based in San Mateo, Calif., offers a 'visual search' feature that lets users scour online-retail sites to find clothes and accessories that look alike.
He hopes to raise the money by listing closely held Resourcehouse Ltd., the Brisbane, Australia, company that controls the rights to China First.
他希望通过让自己牢牢掌控的公司Resourcehouse Ltd.上市来筹集资金,这家位于澳大利亚布里斯班的公司控制着China First的权益。
He hopes to raise the money by listing closely held Resourcehouse Ltd., the Brisbane, Australia, company that controls the rights to China First.
他希望通过让自己牢牢掌控的公司Resourcehouse Ltd.上市来筹集资金,这家位于澳大利亚布里斯班的公司控制着China First的权益。