She closely resembled her mother at the same age.
She would never get anything that more closely resembled what she wanted.
Its body showed advanced bipedal features, but the skull closely resembled the ancient apes.
Parts of the boy's genome closely resembled the DNA of ancient Europeans, but more of it resembled that of Native Americans.
Two centuries ago an English judge in India noticed that several words in Sanskrit closely resembled some words in Greek and Latin.
Interestingly, lung tumors from people who had quit smoking more closely resembled the tumors from nonsmokers than the tumors from smokers.
Without the attachment of romantic love, we would live in an entirely different society that more closely resembled some (but not all) of those social circles in the animal world.
Between each location over the two days, the researchers found that changes in the shoe microbial communities closely resembled those that were seen in the floor microbial communities.
"Our sense has been that while Mars is a lousy environment for supporting life today, long ago it might have more closely resembled Earth," said Andrew H. Knoll, also of Harvard and on the study team.
The game "resembled very closely events overseas that involved friends of ours that had been killed," Coop said.
In the end, we were able to carry out the iterations we felt were necessary, yet present ASDI with what resembled a waterfall structure closely enough to satisfy them.
They resembled most closely the Riddle that had escaped from the diary so long ago, and he had been memory made nearly solid.
They resembled most closely the Riddle that had escaped from the diary so long ago, and he had been memory made nearly solid.