It may knock the interviewer for a loop and appear to be overly aggressive, but some people think of it as closing the sale.
Closing the sale is important, but your closing should be tailored to the position, your personality and interviewing style and the interviewer.
Review every contractthat went out during the week, in an effort to not only monitor production, butto determine how you can assist in closing the sale.
A certain number of these prospects move into the buying window every day. When they are in the buying window, you have a higher probability of closing the sale.
Whether you're giving a presentation or closing a sale, be the expert.
Just answer the following questions (and write down your answers!), and you'll be well on your way to closing that first sale.
Becaude we have the closing sale now.
Each of these steps may not be the actual sale, but they're as much as part of it as the actual closing.
Start with better sales forecasting, measure the closing ratio per salesperson, research how many leads you need to close one sale.
At Wednesday's closing price of 218 pence, the sale was worth GBP76 million.
The sale is expected to close in the third quarter of 2010, and is subject to customary closing conditions, including receipt of applicable regulatory approvals.
The sale is expected to close in the third quarter of 2010, and is subject to customary closing conditions, including receipt of applicable regulatory approvals.