The complexation extraction process was adopted to treat CLT acid waste water.
The CLT panels were cut by computer numerical control (CNC) directly from a 3d computer model.
Though the overall teaching style is not that communicative, we are striding to CLT in our own way.
The British linguist, Howatt (1984) divides CLT into two major versions: a weak version and a strong version.
Solid wood walls are made of CLT panels, and the factory ceiling consists of plywood and prefabricated timber boards.
Teaching forms still plays an important role though CLT mainly focus on cultivating learners' communicative competence.
It is an effective way to combine multimedia with the CLT approach, though it needs a long time to combine them perfectly.
The research aims to gain an insight into the effects of CLT approach applied in English class joined by Non-English majors.
Using CLT (Communicative language teaching) is one of language methods that offer a? New view and strategy in language teaching.
CLT is selectively implemented in CET according to students 'needs instead of dogmatically transplanted just because it's in fashion.
The idea of CLT is ardently advocated these days by Chinese language teaching experts, however, its implementation remains a problem.
The experimental result shows that teaching grammar with CLT is acceptable and better than the traditional grammar-translation method.
CLT is considerably stronger and more stable than regular wood, and increasingly being introduced as a substitute for steel and concrete.
Communicative language teaching (CLT) emphasizes that the goal of language teaching is to enhance the communicative competence of students.
CLT is also characterized by authenticity, which is a very important motivating device needed by every learner in a real communicative task.
This paper relates to the pretreatment of the mother liquor of ammonolysis andbromic recovery method in the new synthesis method of CLT acid.
本文介绍在新法合成CLT酸中,氨 解母液的预处理和溴的回收方法。
The third part mainly introduces theory of Humanistic Psychology and the Constructivism Theory (CLT), which supports the study in this paper.
CLT was first developed in Austria, and within the last 20 years, production has spread to other parts of Europe and into parts of North America.
Berensson proposes that the 40-storey structure could be made from cross-laminated timber (CLT), a type of engineered wood made from sections of laminated wood.
With an experiment regarding communicative topic training, this article explores the effects of integration of CLT into English classes in Chinese Vocational College.
Over the last two decades, among the numerous language-teaching approaches, Communicative language teaching (CLT) has a great significant impact on English teaching in China.
This product contains active CLT factors, can promote fat metabolism and decomposition, to prevent intestinal absorption of fat synthesis, fat metabolism to maintain balance.
New types of engineered timber - including CLT - are considerably stronger than their regular wood counterparts and are allowing architects to build bigger and higher than ever.
Glulam is manufactured by layering up multiple slices of wood and gluing them together, while CLT is produced in a similar way but involves arranging the layers at right angles.
In a CLT classroom, playing vocabulary games is one of the activities which require students to actively communicate with their classmates, using their knowledge of the language.
In a CLT classroom, playing vocabulary games is one of the activities which require students to actively communicate with their classmates, using their knowledge of the language.