This article discusses what you need to consider when designing a Web-based application in a WebSphere application Server cluster environment.
本文讨论了在WebSphere ApplicationServer集群环境中设计基于Web的应用程序时需要考虑的事项。
This can be achieved by locally using the Web browser located on each of the WebSphere Portal Server cluster nodes.
In a server farm, you deploy a Web application by copying an application's WAR file to only one node in the cluster.
If the transport is not the default transport (for example, the WebSphere Process Server cluster member's Web container works on port 9081) you need to add a virtual host to your cell for that port.
For the workload management to be set-up, each server within the cluster needs to have the ability to locally process incoming Web services requests.
Accessing the Web services and the Web applications provided by MDM Server in a WAS nd cluster requires a different approach.
在一个WAS ND集群中访问由MDMServer提供的Web服务和Web应用程序需要不同的方法。
The target server can be an application server, cluster of application servers, or a Web server.
You install a WebSphere Application Server instance , which is not part of the cluster, and then deploy one of the two remote search server applications: as a Web service over SOAP or as an EJB.
安装一个不属于集群的一部分的WebSphereApplicationServer实例,并将两个远程搜索服务器应用程序中的一个进行如下部署:作为基于SOAP 的Web服务或作为 EJB。
As shown in Figure 7, the Web server and plug-in router combination will forward HTTP requests to all the ODR cluster members in a strict round-robin fashion.
如图7所示,Web服务器和插件路由器组合将使用严格的轮循(round - robin)方式把HTTP请求转发给所有odr集群成员。
Re-cluster the Web server tier.
The WebSphere application server clustering mechanism allows a complete application server (including EJB container, EJBs, Web containers, Web modules, and servlets) to be copied as a cluster.
If no Web module is found for the request, the generic server cluster (GSC) routing policy rules are evaluated.
如果没有为请求发现任何web模块,则通过用服务器集群(Generic Server Cluster,gsc)路由策略规则将被评估。
This article requires a matrix of middleware that may include but is not limited to a Web server, a cluster of application servers, and a message queue server.
Experimental results show that the implementation can cluster the user access logs effectively, and the temporal and special efficiency can meet the on-the-fly need of Web server pre-fetching.
0 platform in web search, sogou server cluster parallel update every day more than five hundred million pages.
0 platform in web search, sogou server cluster parallel update every day more than five hundred million pages.