A discount item may be half off, but if it ends up among the unused gadgets in your kitchen cabinet; that's still money you spent on clutter instead of basic necessities.
Sometimes, you even pick up bad practices that lead to clutter and clumsiness.
She has tons of clutter piled up everywhere, pens and pencils strewn about, little scraps of paper… it gives me a headache.
This negative energy can collect up in your work space in pointed corners, through piles of clutter and because of unharmonious floor plans.
You can set up filters and labels to keep your Inbox organised and clutter free.
It clears the clutter in your home and reduces the time required to clean up.
There is no need to clutter up the menus, palettes, and diagram assistants with menu items, tools, and buttons with options to create elements that you will not be interested in.
Flip through some home magazines you enjoy to motivate you to clean up the clutter.
Rather than let things clutter up your drawers they could be doing good in the world.
It can clutter up the elegance of your code, and you can get bogged down adding handlers for every conceivable error.
Then new tasks and conditions start piling up and before you know it - you are buried under a pile of clutter, deadlines and constant burnout.
Do not clutter up the page with so many illustrations that you obscure the message.
Sometimes the best way to tackle stress is to clean house and get organized. Set up a new email filter, organize your paperwork, clean the clutter off your desk, or something along those lines.
His room is in a clutter so I have to tidy it up.
That was how Truman Capote summed up the murders with somewhat greater drama, referring to the four Clutter victims and their two attackers who died later on the gallows.
No more do you need to remember what font size you used on the author bio page or tinker with the hex color of multiple HTML tables; and certainly no more tags ti clutter up your code.
Clean up the clutter and dirtiness.
No one goes to bed one night in complete chaos and disorder and wakes up the next morning master of an organized and clutter-free wonderland.
Data URIs do take up a lot of space, especially given the usual encoding schemes, and they can clutter up XML files.
This really helps reduce the paper clutter from piling up especially if shredder close to where you process the mail.
Declutter. By getting rid of all the excess stuff in your home, you not only make your life much simpler and more peaceful, but you make it harder to buy stuff that will just clutter things up again.
Or will they just end up collecting dust and adding to your clutter?
Maybe you realize the first step toward harmony at home is getting out from under clutter. Professional organizers stand ready to help you part with what you don't need and tidy up the rest.
It's not a good idea to clutter up the use-case description with these rules, but they have to be specified somehow to make the document accurate enough to be usable.
Now, you have font tags spread throughout the page, these tags clutter up your HTML, increase the time it takes to load and render the page, and generally make a mess of things.
现在字体标签散布在页面中,这些标签使HTML 支离破碎,增加了加载和呈现页面的时间,而且通常会把事情搞乱。
So, if you don't want to end up like that one episode of the Three Stooges, then scroll down to find out how to de-clutter your cables.
Then set up a plan to remove clutter room by room.
Sometimes, getting rid of all the clutter in your home can be a daunting task, especially if you've let the stuff pile up over the years.
By getting rid of all the excess stuff in your home, you not only make your life much simpler and more peaceful, but you make it harder to buy stuff that will just clutter things up again.
By getting rid of all the excess stuff in your home, you not only make your life much simpler and more peaceful, but you make it harder to buy stuff that will just clutter things up again.