As mobile phone text messages like "I CN C U" show, it is often possible to leave out a lot of data without losing much meaning.
For passengers who need to change or return their tickets, they can change the tickets or get their fund through or the ticket office at the station.
Websites like and Google are doing that.
LDAPAdminUId cn=wpsadmin,o=lotus LDAP administrator ID.
Suppose you want to map LDAP's cn to RDF's foaf: name.
假设需要将LDAPcn映射到RDFfoaf: name。
There is one important point to notice about searching for cn.
The CN field usually contains the server or queue manager name.
On January 25th the search engine "[gm99nd].cn" began operations.
1月25日,中文搜索引擎“[gm 99nd]. cn”开始运行。
For group search filters, "cn" is the VMM property used to map group name.
对于组搜索筛选器,“cn”是用于映射组名称的VM m属性。
This means, therefore, that our server certificate's CN should be set to localhost.
因此,这意味着应该将我们的服务器证书的CN设置为 localhost。
Enter the distinguished name of the wpsbind user: uid=wpsbind,cn=users,dc=ibm,dc=com.
输入wpsbind用户的专有名称 (distinguished name):uid=wpsbind,cn=users,dc=ibm,dc=com 。
You can also see from the above example the printout of all the cn: (command name) values.
You can see that the Agents role is mapped to an LDAP group cn=managers,ou=users,o=ibm,c=us.
What you ask to be returned is the surname (sn), description, homephone, and common name (cn).
Starting LDAP as idsccmdb: /opt/IBM/ldap/V6.2/bin/idsdirctl -D cn=root -w
将LDAP启动为 idsccmdb: /opt/IBM/ldap/V6.2/bin/idsdirctl-Dcn=root -w <your password> start
The following commands define splits under cn=ibmpolicies, cn=aixdata and ou=people,cn=aixdata.
执行以下命令在cn=ibmpolicies、cn=aixdata和ou=people,cn=aixdata 下面定义片段。
Still, if [gm99nd].cn falls, there will be plenty of Internet companies picking at its carcass.
The Distinguished Name for this user in this scenario is: uid=taiuser,cn=trustedusers,dc=ibm,dc=com.
在该场景中,这个用户的专有名称为:uid=taiuser,cn=trustedusers,dc=ibm,dc=com 。
In particular, I'll use cn, a multipurpose attribute type used to specify common names of any entity.
For example, you need to put the splash screen file for Simplified Chinese into <plugin-root>/nl/zh/CN.
例如,需要把用于简体中文的闪屏文件放在 <plugin-root>/nl/zh/CN。
The default LDAP authentication filter is (|(cn=%*)(|(&(sn=%a)(givenname=%z))(&(sn=%z)(givenname=%a)))).
默认的LDAP身份验证过滤器是 (|(cn=%*)(|(&(sn=%a)(givenname=%z))(&(sn=%z)(givenname=%a))))。
LDAP specific attributes are mapped in the VMM to VMM defined properties, such as uid, cn, sn, and so on.
The Distinguished Name to authenticate, the rootdn specified in slapd.conf, is "cn=Manager,dc=ibm,dc=com".
在slapd.conf 中定义的rootdn 身份验证识别名是 “cn=Manager,dc=ibm,dc=com”。
Says that it hasn't yet started to remove content filters on [gm99nd].cn, a process that could take weeks.
表示,它还没有开始撤销[gm 99nd] .cn上的内容过滤器,这个过程可能需要数周时间。
Browser/platform: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; zh-CN; rv: Gecko/2008070208 Firefox/3.0.1
浏览器/平台:Mozilla/5.0 (Windows;U; WindowsNT 5.1;zh-CN;rv:
Blue lines: Blue lined behind the proxy server show the replication topology for cn=aixdata and cn=ibmpolocies.
蓝线:代理服务器后面的蓝线显示cn=aixdata和 cn=ibmpolocies 的复制拓扑。
Add the sending server's server ID to the Trusted servers field; in our example: cn=wasserver1,dc=demo,dc=ibm,dc=net.
将发送服务器的服务器ID添加到受信任的服务器字段,在我们的示例中:cn=wasserver1,dc=demo, dc=ibm, dc=net。
Next, you need to supply values for the mandatory attributes (cn and sn, shown in bold in Figure 15) and click Submit.
下面,需要提供必需属性的值(cn和sn 属性,在图15 中以黑体显示),并点击 Submit。
In the onebox, you’ll see an icon alongside the upcoming events for the sports category, linked to
Technically, a closure of [gm99nd].cn doesn't necessarily mean the company will be forced to exit China completely.
严格来说,关闭[gm 99nd] .cn并不一定意味着[gm 66nd]将被迫完全撤出中国。