You can offer different types of schemes such as co-branding, white labeling, loyalty schemes and many more.
Co-branding with other manufacturers of food and drink, and brand franchising to manufacturers of other goods and services both have potential.
You could also extend the configuration to accommodate other application modalities, such as co-branding or application restrictions based on user privileges.
Based on the above point of view, the research of this paper is the factors for analysis, extraction, construction and hypothesis testing model for the factors of Consumer evaluation on Co-branding.
The image sizes used in the Your Co branding sample are as follows
Your Co品牌样例中使用的图像大小如下所示
Upon restart, you do not see the Your Co branding.
重新启动后,就不会看到Your Co品牌。
To instruct the Lotus Sametime client to select the Your Co branding instead of the default branding, you can modify the file plugin_customization.ini.
要指示LotusSametime客户端选择Your Co品牌而不是默认品牌,您可以修改文件plugin_customization . ini。
Coffee growers earn more thanks to better branding and smarter co-operatives and a flower industry has opened up.
You may not get fierce competitors to co-invest but perhaps you can get enough closely related companies that you don't have the branding problem I've spoken about.
yourco.branding.yourco_custom is the identifier of the Your Co branding feature plug-in.
In the Your co example seen in figure 3, the HTML file contains some links and a branding image (the Lotus Sametime client window in the figure has been reduced in size).
在如图3中所示的Your Co示例中,HTML文件包含一些链接和品牌图像(图中的LotusSametime客户端窗口已经缩小了)。
Uninstall the Your Co sample branding plug-in from Lotus Sametime (see the section, "Removing or disabling the sample plug-in," for more details), and install it again.
The branding on service in Brilliant Futures Co.
Guangzhou Thrive leather co., Ltd is an integrated leather company which gathers designing and development, manufacturing, branding and processing together.
Guangzhou Super White Light electronics Co., Ltd, a fully-invested subsidiary of Taiwan Super White (group), is engaged in the branding and marketing of car electronics sector of the group.
Guangzhou Super White Light electronics Co., Ltd, a fully-invested subsidiary of Taiwan Super White (group), is engaged in the branding and marketing of car electronics sector of the group.