Jha, the new co-CEO of Motorola, had been talking to Rubin for months, hoping to persuade him to let Motorola build the next Android phone.
For instance, Co-CEO Mike Lazaridis has donated C$100 million to University of Waterloo to help establish an Institute for Quantum Computing.
Daniel Debow is co-CEO of Rypple, a social software company that lets people set priorities, share continuous feedback and coach each other at work.
丹尼尔•德鲍是Rypple公司的联合首席执行官。 Rypple是一家让人们确定重点工作、持续分享反馈并且在工作中互相辅导的社交软件公司。
"Community management is less expensive than traditional market research consulting," says Barry Libert, co-CEO of Mzinga, which creates and moderates customer communities.
(in an interview with Levie, the 26-year-old co-founder and CEO of Box joked that he's finally going to buy a yacht).
Chairman Ratan Tata also hired Carl-Peter Forster, the former head of General Motor Co. 's European unit, as the chief executive officer. Ralf Speth took over as the CEO of Jaguar Land Rover.
Shi Junmin, CEO of Pinghu Mingda Bag and suitcases Co. in Zhejiang province near Shanghai, had been selling suitcases to U.S. customers since 2006. He stopped in June.
Gallois, CEO of European Aeronautic, Defence & Space Co. , said Airbus needs to transform more of the supplier base to rein in its development budget and also to lift production standards.
Gallois, CEO of European Aeronautic, Defence & Space Co., said Airbus needs to transform more of the supplier base to rein in its development budget and also to lift production standards.
"We are the first solution that can be downloaded to a phone," Tawkon co-founder and CEO Gil Friedlander told the reporters.
While billionaires like Larry Ellison (co-founder and CEO of Oracle Corporation) enjoy spending millions on cars, boats and planes, others remain low key with their vehicles of choice.
Position: Co-Founder and Former CEO of Sling media.
Position: Co-Founder, President and CEO of facebook.
Position: Co-Founder and CEO of Microsoft.
Position: Co-Founder and CEO of apple.
"You have the second largest micro-credit demand in the world and almost no supply of micro-credit," says Casey Wilson, CEO and co-founder of Wokai.
"When application performance begins to slow, the database administrator usually gets the blame," says Jesse Rothstein, CEO and co-founder of ExtraHop Networks.
“当应用程序性能开始变慢时,数据库管理员通常会被责怪,”ExtraHop Net works的ceo兼联合创始人Jesse Rothstein说。
"We believe that you should be paying people as much as you can," says Belsky, who co-founded Behance five years ago and serves as CEO.
五年前,波斯基与合伙人共同创立了Be hance公司,并担任CEO。他说:“我们当然知道应该尽量多给员工支付薪水。”
"It's an interesting concept," says Laura Bennett, co-founder and CEO of Embrace Pet Insurance.
Position: Co-Founder and CEO of HTC
Ryan Swagar, the Republic Project's CEO and Co-Founder told us earlier this week that he believes that his company offers a better deal for both artists and consumers.
GPU.NET has a plug-in architecture in order to support other devices, according to Jack Pappas, CEO and Co-Founder of TidePowerd, the company behind GPU.NET.
At least once a week, Splunk co-founder and CEO Michael Baum spends time reading and contributing to the wiki his team created for his company's search technology.
Dell CEO Michael Dell sat down with The Wall Street Journal to reflect upon the path his company has taken since he co-founded it in his dorm room some 26 years ago.
近日,戴尔公司(Dell)首席执行官迈克尔•戴尔接受了《华尔街日报》(The Wall Street Journal)的采访。 采访中,戴尔回顾了26年来,他在大学寝室里与罗杰斯共同创建的这家公司所走过的历程。
Some of the companies that will change the way the world uses technology won't be tech companies at all, according to Eva Chen, co-founder and CEO of a web security company called Trend Micro.
Alexandra Lebenthal, president and CEO of Lebenthal &Co., works at a desk that her grandmother used every day and says that she sees her lessons as useful in navigating Wall Street's unsure waters.
莱本索尔公司(Lebenthal &Co.)总裁暨首席执行官亚历桑德拉•莱本索尔的办公桌,就是祖母传给她的,老人家当年每天都要伏案工作。她认为祖母的经验对她应对华尔街复杂多变的局面非常有用。
They include International Paper Co., whose directors spent $52, 000 in 2006 to install a home-security system for CEO John V. Faraci after the company's headquarters moved to Memphis, Tenn.
News Corp recently ousted MySpace co-founder and CEO Chris DeWolfe and installed its own management team.
News Corp recently ousted MySpace co-founder and CEO Chris DeWolfe and installed its own management team.