I slunk off in the direction of the cocktail table—the only place in the garden where a single man could linger without looking purposeless and alone.
The college master sits at the high table alongside the other tutors and we are all wearing black bat-like gowns over our cocktail dresses and sharp suits.
If you work in a variety of forms such as catering, brunch and cocktail parties, can design a mini manual, in addition to record food dishes, guests can also this table CARDS, seats.
Table groups contain an assortment of items such as rectangular, square and oval cocktail tables, end tables, lamp tables and sofa tables in a choice of wood or glass tops.
Etiquette (Wuhan University of Science and Engineering) : training in how to become a gentleman or lady at cocktail parties, at the dining table, and in other public arenas.
When he goes to a cocktail party, instead of talking to people, he makes tracks straight for the food table and he stays right there eating until it "s time to go home."
Each time when Joy goes to a cocktail party, instead of talking to people, he makes tracks straight for the food table.
When he goes to a cocktail party, instead of talking to people, he makes tracks straight for the food table and he stays right there eating until it's time to go home.
When he goes to a cocktail party, instead of talking to people, he makes tracks straight for the food table and he stays right there eating until it's time to go home.