Another is to find ways to ensure that software developers produce code with fewer flaws in it so that hackers have fewer security holes to exploit.
The DNA sequencer involves drilling tiny nanometer-size holes through computer-like silicon chips, then passing DNA strands through them to read the information contained in their genetic code.
While the answer to that one is a bit intractable, it's certainly the case that tools can find security holes, complex code, and performance bottlenecks that are evil indeed.
Code execution holes everywhere.
An example of this is security holes in a Web page's code that can allow an online banking client to see another client's data.
However, a potential problem does exist with this code: what if the SquarePeg class already had a radius method that has nothing to do with round holes?
In fact, custom code written for authentication or authorization is generally pretty easy to find or hack holes in.
Having programming language code as the only reliable source of truth on functionality creates information bottlenecks and black holes.
Invented by a young census worker named Herman Hollerith, it automatically sorted data by a code of holes punched in Manila CARDS.
Invented by a young census worker named Herman Hollerith, it automatically sorted data by a code of holes punched in Manila CARDS.