The subcategories allow you to validate that your code complies with best practices related to encoding, locale handling, translations, and others.
A locale name is constructed from a two-letter lowercase ISO country code, optionally followed by an underscore or hyphen and a two-letter uppercase ISO language code.
The configuration Settings above provide an example for using code page 850 on the Windows clients, while the Samba server's locale is set to IS08859-1.
上面的配置设置提供了在Windows客户端上使用代码页850的一个示例,而Samba服务器的语境设置为is08859 - 1。
The following code returns an instance of ResourceManager with the base name "WelcomeMidlet" and a default system locale
以下代码返回具有 “WelcomeMidlet”基本名称以及系统默认地区的ResourceManager实例
AT present, OmegaT + does not use a variant code in conjunction with the locale code.
目前,OmegaT +不能将变量代码与区域代码一起使用。
It should be noted that a locale code precedes what many refer to as a language code (a form of locale code).
The filename doesn't change as the locale changes, which means your code doesn't need to change either.
Your configuration will most likely use a different code page and locale.
As the code in user thread constructor still runs in the caller thread's context, we have a chance to inherit a locale object from the servlet thread when the user thread is being constructed.
Therefore, the locale parameter may contain a country code in addition to the language code, to specify the specific language flavor that should be used.
You don't need to create a directory tree or message database for the default locale; the strings for that locale are already embedded in the code.
So you can rewrite the code in Listing 10 a little bit by putting the locale get method in a utility class, as Listing 11 shows.
When you create a database using the create database statement, the code page for the database will be derived from the operating system locale setting.
For the UNIX operating system, the active environment will be derived from locale setting including language, territory, and code set.
If you're developing international applications, use the locale-specific forms to make your code portable among many locales.
The server must produce the entire string, except for the first and last lines, because the current user locale might require these messages (and only server-side code can accomplish this).
The code in Listing 4 shows how you can sort an array of Czech words differently based on the locale used for the collator.
With the code in Listing 12, you are able to pass along and get locale information in any thread without worrying about whether FacesContext is accessible or not.
Because Samba version 2.x had no support for Unicode, all language character set support in file names use a particular locale code page.
由于Samba 2 .x版不支持Unicode,因此文件名中的所有语言字符集支持都使用了一个特殊的语境代码页。
For example, en is the language code for English and US is the country code for the United States, so en_US (or en-US) would be the locale name for American English.
例如,en是英语的语言代码,US是美国的国家或地区代码,因此en_US(或en - US)将是美式英语的语言环境名称。
The code in Listing 9 is pretty much like Listing 6 in that it derives pattern and locale information from the server side, sets up an instance of NumberConverter, and then performs the task.
列表9 中的代码在以下方面与列表6十分相似:从服务器端获取模式和场所信息,创建一个NumberConverter的范例,然后执行该任务。
Locale - Returns the language code for the current locale.
In order to display and input Chinese characters, the system language locale is set to Chinese Simplified (GB2312, code page 936).
为了显示和输入中文字符,将系统语言地区设置为ChineseSimplified (GB2312,编码页936)。
Do not select the Omit locale identifier option when the identifier contains country code, such as pt-BR, zh-CN, and zh-TW.
当标识符包含国家代码,例如 pt-BR、zh-CN和 zh-TW 时,不要选择Omitlocale identifier选项。
It contains the locale folders, which are lower cased, and a hyphen separates the language code from the optional country code.
If you set your browser locale request to "ja" (for Japanese) and view the source code of the HTML page that is rendered by using the JWL, you will find code like Listing 2 shows.
A code page is a mapping of Numbers to specific characters as defined by a set of characters (repertoire) intended for use in a particular locale or locales.
In a UNIX-based environment, the code page is derived from the locale setting.
You can specify the locale or use the default System locale. Below is the code you need
You can specify the locale or use the default System locale. Below is the code you need