The key point of this method is to find out the item which is of low mean value but of high relative coefficient, which will provide basis of decision making for later training.
Based on new experimental data at home in recent years, the approximate value of mean value coefficient and the practical formulas for computing prestress losses are presented.
The results indicate that the mean value of the scattering coefficient was 850.
Landscape features of the basin mean little difference between the standard deviation of the value of landscape features smaller basins, inter-month changes in runoff coefficient is more gentle.
The time sequence, which is plus correlation with mean value of consistency value series and minus correlation with variance of consistency value series, is used as weight coefficient for sensor.
The output mean value was increased and the variance was decreased by choosing suitable partial interference cancellation coefficient for MV-PIC, and its performance of code error is superior to PIC.
The output mean value was increased and the variance was decreased by choosing suitable partial interference cancellation coefficient for MV-PIC, and its performance of code error is superior to PIC.