Cognition and practice are only means to accomplish value.
Actually, there has been cognition and practice like this for long period in our country.
College students at present still have some problems in understanding cognition and practice in Moral Accomplishment course.
The research of this paper reveals that in the different fields of cognition and practice, the status of the fact is different.
The method of doubt is a creative thought pattern that surpasses the skepticism and does a great good to human beings' cognition and practice.
The subject of military cognition is also the subject of military practice in military activity, so cognition and practice must be coordinated.
Then demonstrating the traditional practical philosophy and the subject-object of cognition and practice, in order to lay hands on philosophy bases.
The advance of relative subject and the introduction of new science and technology is the theoretical and physical foundation of the cognition and practice.
People's subjective spirits, including rational and irrational factors penetrate through the whole process of people's activities and play an important role in people's cognition and practice.
Although China has experienced 30-year exploration and evolvement in musical art and industry, people of this circle still have some misunderstanding towards it both in cognition and practice.
(p. 20-21) the book Cognition in Practice: Mind, Mathematics, and Culture in Everyday Life is an interesting reference for this viewpoint.
20 - 21《CognitioninPractice:Mind,Mathematics,andCulture inEveryday Life》在实践中认知:心智、数学和日常生活的文化是关于这个观点的一本有趣的参考书。
Editing is both an activity of cognition and of practice.
In the course of testifying truth, only by the judgment of value can we test the failure or success of practice and prove the truth of cognition that guides practice.
The subject, medium, object, method and process of cognition are the same to those of practice.
So we must heighten our cognition, be brave in practice, consider actively, find the problem and seek the countermeasures.
Cognition inquiry technique is the combination of psychology and investigative practice.
This paper introduces the cognition on the design practice teaching, expounds the functions and significance of offering the preliminary introduction of product design.
College students should acquire self-cognition ability, make suitable academic and career plans, and implement them scientifically in practice.
Objective: to evaluate behaviors of cognition, emotion, and manipulation skills of college nursing students during their clinical practice.
Upon the holistic nursing practice, the new cognition of delimiting the terminal stage nursing concept was advanced, and the method of terminal stage nursing care was discussed.
Knowledge is the cognition and experience of the external world. It is accumulated by a long life of people and the social practice, also by scientific researches and experiment.
Based on a logical cognition in human language, linguistics come from practice and turn over to again guides itself.
The process of broad sence cognition bases on practice, and it takes knowing the world and knowing the self as it's aim.
During the century, the practice of our technology education pays less attention and brings the biased cognition to humanistic value.
China's '24 solar terms' is a knowledge system and social practice formed through observations of the sun's annual motion, and cognition of the year's changes in season, climate and phenology.
Cultural differences lead to the different views on the cognition and the practice of politeness in cross-cultural communication.
In the view of philosophy, between subject and object lie relations of cognition, practice and value.
Fieldwork cognition was an important teaching manner of connecting theory with practice for polymer material and engineering specialty, as well as a major practical link of teaching plans.
However, China Childrens Film has been in a slump because of the cognition limitations and the shortage of systematic research during the practice of the creation.
However, China Childrens Film has been in a slump because of the cognition limitations and the shortage of systematic research during the practice of the creation.