She gives all new pupils a cognitive ability test (CAT) and retests them every year.
所有的新生都要参加学校的认知能力测试(CAT)。 每年还要重新测试一次。
The cognitive ability test consisted of 12 tasks and included 4 items of speed and 10 items of performance, total 14 indexes.
This is the largest ever study to look at the link between cognitive ability in teenagers and the Apgar test.
However, people with great cognitive ability but poor metacognitive ability may be considered excellent at a young age for acing every test and getting great SAT scores.
The latest ability tests of elementary cognitive processing facets are including working memory test and processing speed test.
But the effect of teaching mechanical drawing is less correlative with MCT test and does not show a great improvement in the students' space cognitive ability.
In open field test, their spatial cognitive ability decreased significantly and excitability increased significantly.
In open field test, their spatial cognitive ability decreased significantly and excitability increased significantly.