And if a cohort effect were responsible, the U-bend would not show up consistently in 40 years' worth of data.
This may reflect a "cohort effect", the notion that a person's lifelong voting habits are established early on.
The cohort studies and genetic studies yielded similar results, indicating a protective effect from lower homocysteine levels, even though they did not share the same sources of possible error.
Methods age cohort models was used to fit data of twenty five years PLC incidence in Qidong to estimate parameters for birth cohort and age effect by means of Bayesian graphical modeling.
The fire frequency, fire intensity and their synthetical regime influenced the number of cohort strongly, while the effect of fire intensity was more significant.
Objective To evaluate the variance of blood pressure of the cohort population and the intervention effect on it.
Objective To evaluate the variance of blood pressure of the cohort population and the intervention effect on it.