"Coca-Cola Classic" returned to store shelves just three months after the "New Coke" was released.
It won over Coke executives in Atlanta and would go on to receive its own trademark, spur collections and earn Coca-Cola an iconic image that made it part of American culture for a century.
30% market share). That put it just ahead of rival Coca-Cola (COKE), which in 2005 had acquired Multon (23% stake).
Ray Crockett, a spokesman for Coca-Cola Co., said: "We're constantly amazed at the creative ways folks find to enjoy their Coke and make it part of celebrations like fairs and festivals.
To solve that problem, Coca-Cola introduced "C2," a cola with half the calories of regular Coke.
What most people refer to as "Coke" or "Coca-cola" is actually "Coca-cola Classic," since the now-discontinued "New Coke" was branded simply "Coke."
Over in Germany, where it had been popular before the war, Coke had just celebrated a triumphant return under the slogan: "Coca-Cola 1st Wieder Da!" (Coca-Cola Is Back!)
而在德国,战争前它一直受欢迎的,可口可乐刚刚用一句口号庆祝了它的胜利回归:“Coca - Cola 1stWiederDa !(可口可乐又回来了!)”
That first advertisement featured Clark in extravagant clothing drinking a Coke next to a sign advertising Coca-Cola for five cents.
Coca-Cola South Pacific (CCSP) last year ran advertising titled "Motherhood &Myth-Busting," featuring popular Australian actress Kerry Armstrong and claiming Coke was "kiddy-safe."
可口可乐南太平洋分公司(CCSP)于去年登了一则名为“身为人母,戳穿荒诞说法”的广告。 该广告由澳大利亚著名女演员凯丽·阿姆斯特朗主角,声称可口可乐“对儿童无害”。
So, I do not think Coca Cola will totally replace Diet Coke.
Yes, and iced Coke (Coca Cola) would go down well.
Cheers to Coca Cola for the cool present! It's a special edition Coke bottle with highly detailed engraving.
So there it is. The "secret" formula. Although there is no real magic behind it, McDonald's Coca-Cola will always be every Coke-lover's fantasy.
Andy loved Coca-Cola that he thought "Why shouldn't a bottle of Coke be a work of art?"
Coca-Cola Russia released iconic sodas Coke, Fanta, Sprite in small 8-ounce cans.
Knauss, who started his career at Coca-Cola in 1994, has also served as President for Coke in Southern Africa and has held executive posts in its Minute Maid unit.
Coca-cola in a glass bottle. This not only looks cooler than a plastic bottle or can but there's something about ice cold coke from a glass bottle that makes it taste better too.
The more caffeine the merrier. For the ultimate pick-me-up, pour some Coca-Cola into your iced coffee, making a drink that's said to be similar to vanilla Coke.
Claims Coke will not make children fat or rot their teeth have landed Coca-Cola in trouble with Australia's consumer watchdog, which Thursday ordered the soft drink company to correct its advertising.
Flat Coca Cola helps to settle upset stomachs. Don't use fresh, fizzy Coke as th is could irritate the condition. (Take the fizz out by adding a little sugar, if you need to. )
Flat Coca Cola helps to settle upset stomachs. Don't use fresh, fizzy Coke as th is could irritate the condition. (Take the fizz out by adding a little sugar, if you need to. )