In a colander, drain the spaghetti.
When you don't want to pull out the colander, this tool comes in handy.
When you've boiled the cabbage, strain off the water through a colander.
When you've boiled the cabbage, strain off the water through a colander.
Drain in a colander and, using kitchen scissors, cut into 6-inch lengths.
Meanwhile, place the finely diced cucumber in a colander, and sprinkle with salt.
When you have boiled the cabbage, strain off the water through the colander.
You could use a colander for a cooking gift basket, or an Italian theme basket.
The debris can be separated from the anthers with a colander of proper mesh size.
Drain rice in colander and transfer to a heavy pot or rice cooker; add 4 cups water.
Side thought, I quickly ran to the kitchen to get too colander, fishing them out one by one.
She took a colander and, of course, first of all we would wash the lettuce, that goes without saying.
And I thanked the greens as I collected them in my colander: thank you for giving your life to me.
Colander emphasizes the intellectual and historical context to which the economic models are applied.
Can be used as a colander for rinsing vegetables salad etc. and for pouring hot water from a pasta pot.
Using a slotted spoon, rather than a colander, she scoops the pasta on top of the pecorino and pepper mix.
Unlike some strainers with mesh screen, this durable plastic colander will not rust and it's dishwasher safe.
While the beef is roasting parboil your potatoes in salted boiling water for around 10 minutes and drain in a colander.
While the beef is roasting parboil your potatoes in salted boiling water for around 10 minutes and drain in a colander.
Soak the glutinous rice in water for at least 2-4 hours. Drain well in a sieve or colander. Make sure the rice is dry before using.
将糯米浸泡2 -4小时,置于筛子或过滤器中滤干水分。保证在使用前糯米已经干透。
Fill a casserole dish with an inch or two of water, bring to a boil, put a heatproof or metal vegetable-filled colander inside and cover.
在炖肉用浅锅中加入1 -2英寸深的水,待水沸腾,将装满蔬菜的耐热或金属滤锅放入沸水中,并盖上盖子。
Simply place a dry coffee filter in a clean drip coffee filter basket or colander, and place the basket or colander over a clean dry pitcher or bowl.
To strain the oil at a faster rate, occasionally stir it with a spoon to help prevent crumbs and particles from blocking the holes in the filter basket or colander.
Mr Colander thinks the imperative to publish frequently forces young economists to tackle bite-sized problems, rather than asking big questions with distant, uncertain answers.
Procedure:Pour the refined oil into a wok, heat it up moderately to eight tenth of heat, then fry the trimmed and clean shrimps in the wok, use a colander to scoop them out from the oil and drain off.
Procedure:Pour the refined oil into a wok, heat it up moderately to eight tenth of heat, then fry the trimmed and clean shrimps in the wok, use a colander to scoop them out from the oil and drain off.