Under torture, Alexis, who probably dies of cold, not of torture, in a very frozen cell.
Because of the cold temperatures, the tundra has two layers: top layer, which is called the active layer, is frozen in the winter and spring, but thaws in the summer.
It was bitterly cold now and the ground was frozen hard.
The cold weather had frozen the ground.
It's so cold that even the river has frozen.
It was so cold that the stream had frozen solid.
Description: Frozen cold sweet fruits are refreshing, satisfying, nutritious, and taste "smooth" or even creamy like many fat-filled desserts.
His nose was frozen, too. The skin all over his body felt cold.
ONE WINTER a Farmer found a Snake stiff and frozen with cold. He had compassion on it, and taking it up, placed it in his bosom.
However the sites are too warm for frozen carbon dioxide, and in some regions too cold for pure, non-salty water.
One cold January morning in nineteen eighty-eight, library workers found a small, almost frozen kitten in the book drop.
在1988年1月的一个寒冷的早晨,图书馆工作人员在还书架(book drop)上发现了一只很小、都快冻僵了的小猫。
She had a pale thin face, and her lips were frozen purple because of the cold. Her hair was cut short and she was dressed in worn-out clothes.
Chilled and frozen meat products require an uninterrupted cold chain during storage, transportation and display and have a short shelf life.
He said the cold and silence of this frozen world seemed to increase a man's fear of death.
Either they are hot and passionate, or when they become tired and bored with this heat, they turn to the opposite — they become an ice-cold saint, frozen.
Instead of a cold chisel, you can use an electric drill on the frozen lock cylinder.
Thaw frozen egg products in the refrigerator or under cold running water.
But in the cold morning hour, crouching in the corner of the wall, the poor little girl was found: her cheeks glowing, her lips smiling, frozen to death on the last night of the old Year.
Speaking Tuesday at a news conference at the Interfax news Agency in Moscow, Rogozin said NATO appeared frozen in a Cold War Stone Age.
While this can be done in a number of ways (eye masks, cold wet cloths, frozen spoons, etc.) the idea is always the same: application of cold reduces swelling and tightens skin.
You can use either a store-bought cold pack or a frozen wet towel. Ice for 10 or 15 minutes.
你可以采用买来的冰袋或冰冻的湿毛巾,冰敷10 - 15分钟。
The south was cold and arid, with much of the region frozen under ice caps.
The south was cold and arid, with much of the region frozen under ice caps.