And next year it hopes to complete the construction of a cold-rolling mill near Vietnam's ho Chi Minh City, and an automotive steel-sheet plant in Mexico to supply General Motors and Hyundai Motor.
It can not only be used as slab and sheet, but also as raw and processed materials of cold rolling, weld tube, and cold banding beam.
It can not only be used as slab, but as raw and processed materials of cold rolling, weld tube, and cold banding beam.
High quality Cold rolling product with good flatness is the goal of the domestic or foreign metallurgical industry.
Material is: cold rolling, stainless steel, copper, bronze profile.
The plate is divided into hot rolling and cold rolling.
Those processed with bright heat treatment after cold rolling.
By warm rolling after hot rolling or cold rolling after annealing in process and stabilizing annealing in some temperature condition, the c.
Those finish, after cold rolling, by treatment, by heat packing or other equivalent treatment and lastly by cold rolling to give an appropriate luster.
In practical production, it is easy to take place the fire and equipment accidents due to super temperature of work roll bearings box in aluminum cold rolling mill and foil rolling mill.
Based on the production condition, a rational cooling schedule was established for improving the product strength and malleability to fit the subsequent cold rolling process.
Based on Baosteel 1550 cold rolling mills main drive, the principle of IGBT used in high -capacity drive control system is analyzed.
Tandem cold rolling is a producing technology with high efficiency and quality for cold rolling strip. It has a lot of equipment, and the control process is complex.
The deformation process of external spline cold rolling was analyzed according to the suitable assumption. The mathematic model of contact area of external spline cold rolling was founded.
The roller design is the key point for the cold rolling technology.
The effect of rolling oil foaming on product quality in the rolling process of cold rolling aluminum sheet strip was discussed.
Bedboard: Uses the high quality cold rolling steel plate ramming formation, the superficial static electricity spurts models, corrosion preventing, easy clean.
Most rolling operations are performed on hot metal but there are also cold rolling operations.
This article introduced some methods of spline cold forming technology: forward die extrusion die forming, mud-rolls die extrusion forming, cold rolling forming and plate type cold rolling forming.
Rolling force model is the crucial model for process control in cold rolling.
The emphasis is put on effect of purity homogenization, hot rolling temperature, cold rolling and medium annealing on cubic texture of finally annealed foil.
This paper designs and implements a real-time expert system diagnosing the fault during the process of cold rolling.
Asynchronous rolling is a new method of cold rolling of strips.
In order to improving the strip flatness produced for the cold rolling, the edge-masking technology was applied on the Hangang CSP Plant.
The reduction partition has effect important in two-time cold rolling on Drawability of IF steel, because reduction has effect in cold rolling on {111} texture.
A constant force hybrid adaptive control system is designed for four rollers cold rolling mill to ensure that strap steel force is constant.
The anisotropy and it's evolution during ageing treatment for Al-Li alloy 1420 cold-rolling sheet were investigated by means of tensile test and fractograph observation.
"Tension-Assisted cold rolling" technology is a new plastic forming method of shaft parts.
Its property meets the standard after cold-rolling.
Flatness automatic control system is an important part of process control system of sheet or strip continuous cold rolling mill.