And next year it hopes to complete the construction of a cold-rolling mill near Vietnam's ho Chi Minh City, and an automotive steel-sheet plant in Mexico to supply General Motors and Hyundai Motor.
It can not only be used as slab and sheet, but also as raw and processed materials of cold rolling, weld tube, and cold banding beam.
The effect of speed ratio on the texture of non-oriented cold rolled low silicon steel sheet was investigated after cross shear rolling at different speed ratios.
Process of rolling cold coils of pickled hot-rolled sheet through a cold reduction mill to make the stainless steel stronger, thinner, and smoother by applying pressure.
The effect of rolling oil foaming on product quality in the rolling process of cold rolling aluminum sheet strip was discussed.
Flatness automatic control system is an important part of process control system of sheet or strip continuous cold rolling mill.
The effect of hot rolling banded microstructures on fracture morphology, cold rolling microstructures mechanical properties of the sheet steel has been investigated.
The anisotropy and it's evolution during ageing treatment for Al-Li alloy 1420 cold-rolling sheet were investigated by means of tensile test and fractograph observation.
Results showed that the properties of cold rolling sheet used for native passenger car, especially IF cold rolling sheet, can compare with external cold rolling sheet.
The correct installation of sheet or strip cold rolling mi11 relys on the bearing on it.
At the moment, in some middle and small-sized aluminum cold rolling mills, the situation of measuring cold rolling sheet aluminum thickness by hand is very general.
The first phase of Shanghai cold rolling steel sheet project was completed within two-years.
Based on the present status of the rolling yield, strip shape quality and traverse thickness accuracy of cold silicon sheet, factors to influence the above-mentioned indexes are analyzed in the paper.
The major work in the paper is the transform of the pickle curve-centering device of the Baosteel cold-rolled sheet-steel rolling mill.
The major work in the paper is the transform of the pickle curve-centering device of the Baosteel cold-rolled sheet-steel rolling mill.