Dynamic characteristics of collaborated system mainly include natural vibration frequency and principal mode, which is the base and precondition of dynamic analysis for collaborated system.
Furthermore it guides the next step system design and development in the collaborated environment to reduce the project risk.
Radio astronomer Melanie Johnston-Hollitt at Victoria University, Wellington , NZ, has collaborated with IBM for developing the system.
来自新西兰惠灵顿维多利亚大学的射电天文学家Melanie Johnston-Hollitt与IBM合作开发了该系统。
As part of its ongoing response to the surge in energy demand in data centers, Emerson recently collaborated with Intel Corporation to implement a new digital power management system.
The importance of developing an evaluation system collaborated by experts for virtual product design using CSCW technology is discussed.
Biologists and planners collaborated there to identify a "habitat backbone" system of permanent wetlands to support habitat for natterjack toads.
Biologists and planners collaborated there to identify a "habitat backbone" system of permanent wetlands to support habitat for natterjack toads.