Much later he collaborated with his son Michael on the English translation of a text on food production.
Joly's calculations would have been more exact if he had collaborated with experts in other fields.
"It's like how pilots train in a flight simulator," said Raymond Mar, an associate professor of psychology at York University, in Toronto, who has collaborated with Oatley.
Nearly 40% of the roughly 350 people who responded to an accompanying poll said, they had collaborated with artists; and almost all said they would consider doing so in future.
Maybe this partly accounts for why you have collaborated with visual artists.
she collaborated with Eleanor Roosevelt in passing anti-lynching legislation;
We two collaborated with the police to send the injured people to the nearest clinic.
There is persuasive evidence that several other European countries collaborated with the CIA.
WHO has historically collaborated with the pharmaceutical industry for legitimate reasons.
Its engineers collaborated with suppliers to extract cost-savings without compromising quality.
So it is perhaps surprising that Mr Lanier has collaborated with some of the very firms he criticises.
In his last phase, he wrote tragicomedies, also known as romances, and collaborated with other playwrights.
Shulman, an actor and jewellery designer, collaborated with Kwiat Heritage Jewels to create the sparkler.
JasperSoft has collaborated with the vendors, if any, else project owners to produce a first cut of reporting.
The university has collaborated with physicians, funeral directors, citizens and a medical device nonprofit.
She collaborated with illustrator Charlie Adlard to create the unique and unusual graphic novel, Playing the Game.
The Swedish brand has collaborated with designers such as Stella McCartney, Comme des Garcons and Lanvin in the past.
Since their last meeting he had half-unconsciously collaborated with events in ridding himself of the burden of Madame Olenska.
Michael Peters, Vincent Paterson, and Jeffrey Daniel, all of them experienced stage and TV choreographers, collaborated with Jackson.
Radio astronomer Melanie Johnston-Hollitt at Victoria University, Wellington , NZ, has collaborated with IBM for developing the system.
来自新西兰惠灵顿维多利亚大学的射电天文学家Melanie Johnston-Hollitt与IBM合作开发了该系统。
A WHO team with expertise in virology and laboratory diagnosis has collaborated with national experts in the investigation of the cases in Hunan.
The EU has collaborated with 20 universities and research institutions in 10 Chinese cities to jointly establish the European research center.
The company most recently collaborated with Google on the design of the Nexus one phone, which the search company is selling directly to consumers.
该公司最近和Google合作开发了智能手机Nexus one, Google可以直接销售给用户。
France's National Institute for Nuclear and Particle Physics Research collaborated with Italy's Gran Sasso National Laboratory on the experiment at CERN.
List enjoyed 18 years of freedom before Bender collaborated with a forensic psychologist and other Vidocq Society members, to picture what List would like.
List enjoyed 18 years of freedom before Bender collaborated with a forensic psychologist and other Vidocq Society members, to picture what List would like.