Asset Manager is an asset management solution for collaborative software development.
Victor Palau added that the application of game theory becomes pretty obvious in collaborative software development where the collaboration is based on trust.
Remote clients come in many forms (Figure 1), with the quintessential one being an IDE with integrated Jazz support, driven by a user engaged in collaborative software development.
Atlas was donated to the open source community through which is "a mid-sized open source community focused on building better tools for collaborative software development". 19.
But there is a promise on the horizon — a next generation of tools focused on the collaborative aspects of software development is being developed.
If you do decide to create an iterative software development environment, then it is important to educate stakeholders about the collaborative nature of RUP projects.
Thinking about software creation as collaborative design makes some puzzling facts about software development suddenly make more sense.
Collaborative development will be a major factor in the software industry for years to come.
This month I'll take a stab at predicting one of the areas that I think is becoming a key for successful software development — collaborative development and the tools that support it.
Processes in the OpenUP family are written as extensions to the core OpenUP process, which embraces a pragmatic, agile philosophy focusing on the collaborative nature of software development.
OpenUP embraces a pragmatic, agile philosophy that focuses on the collaborative nature of software development.
Through this collaborative effort, we manifest the power of people working together to perfect the art of software development.
OpenUP embraces a pragmatic, agile philosophy that focuses on the collaborative nature of software development.
OpenUP 强调注重实效的、敏捷哲学,将关注重点放在软件开发的协作本性上面。
We're seeing new approaches to all facets of software development practice, including methods that are geared specifically toward collaborative development.
Software configure management is important in the collaborative development.
The software development methodology and the mechanisms about the collaborative modeling and flexibility executing of ERP system on distributed workflow platform are described in this paper.
Resources include collections of free software, services for the collaborative development of new programs, software news media and catalogues of links to bioinformatics software and web tools.
Recently, many software companies developed and manufactured various kind of collaborative design software of CAD in domestic, along with the development and application of CAD design software.
Recently, many software companies developed and manufactured various kind of collaborative design software of CAD in domestic, along with the development and application of CAD design software.