Based on the reality the paper analyzes on mechanism, path dependence, contribution and trends of development of institution of village collective economy by updated institutional economics.
In fact, personal growth and a prosperous U.S. economy are considered to be the long range rewards of individual and collective technological prowess.
In fact, personal growth and a prosperous U. s. economy are considered to be the long range rewards of individual and collective technological prowess.
If the global panic has done nothing else, it has been brilliant at revealing the collective dependency of even the fastest developing economy on the developed world's prosperity.
In fact personal growth and a prosperous u. s. economy are considered to be the long range rewards of individual and collective technological prowess.
Americans' collective and sudden rediscovery of thrift is pushing the economy into its worst recession since at least 1982.
Community public asset as a new form of social asset is different from the collective asset in the past planned economy.
The second generation of collective central leadership of the CPC took it as the core of modern economy.
Meanwhile it is an inevitable requirement for the development of Chinas commercial economy to transfer collective non-agricultural construction land.
Meanwhile it is an inevitable requirement for the development of Chinas commercial economy to transfer collective non-agricultural construction land.