As a special social group, college students' mental health condition has been causing the concern of the whole society.
By using the method of documentary, data investigation and questionnaire, this paper makes an analysis on mental health condition and sports activity for college students in Liaoning province.
It is not the characteristics of their nationalities but the geographical features of their dwellings that cause the poor mental health condition of Zhuang and Han college students in Guangxi.
Methods: Mental health and its influential factors of 314 students from a certain medical college chose by random sample were investigated with SCL-90, EPQ, LES, and common condition questionnaire.
方法:随机抽取某大学医学生314人,采用精神症状自评量表(SCL 90 )、艾森克个性问卷(EPQ)、生活事件调查表(LES)以及一般情况调查表,调查分析医学大学生的心理健康状况及其影响因素。
ObjectiveTo find out the mental health condition of the college nursing students.
Healthy and harmonious interpersonal relationship is an indispensable condition both physical and mental health of contemporary college students.
Healthy and harmonious interpersonal relationship is an indispensable condition both physical and mental health of contemporary college students.