MySkins allows you to download its color chart, or it will send it to you free of charge.
But bulls are color blind. Being dichromats, it isn't the color of the cape that bothers them, but the movement of the fabric. This incites the bull to charge.
Custom banner: You can make new banner by combine background pattern, color, charge, and flag type.
Effect on area measurement due to dimensional and color (or gray) discreteness of CCD (charge couple device) is analyzed.
In charge of developing screen print process when new project is kicked off, includes designing screen print drawing, color mixing, preparing printing process parameters.
MySkins allows you to download its color chart , or it will send it to you free of charge.
Please confirm if the color to be sprayed is consistent with the spray coating requirements before spray coating. If not, please inform people in charge of the workshop.
Please confirm if the color to be sprayed is consistent with the spray coating requirements before spray coating. If not, please inform people in charge of the workshop.