It's a simple picture: off-white, with black stripes and four color areas: black, blue, pale lemon yellow, and a touch of orangey red.
Whereas Joy is a golden rose color, a pale gold with a tinge of red, a very pale red.
From the sky, down to the water, before the ship white pale red for the deep emerald green, magic into dozens of color, layers to overflow.
The East appear to be more bright, "color pictures" of the inner core has been pale, the sun has been showing a trace of his head, red, surrounded by gorgeous color immediately become rich together.
Compared to last year's color - Marsala, a dark, red-brown hue - the pale pink and baby blue shades are much softer and more peaceful.
Fifth, the proper color of tea in general is a pale golden yellow, and all dark red tea must be taken with milk or lemon or peppermint, or anything to cover up its awful sharp taste.
Pale color, red fruit aroma, tight and thick taste, high quantity of tannin.
The red wine can has pale red color, has intense apple and wine flavor, and has dainty sour and sweet and rich nutrition.
The red wine can has pale red color, has intense apple and wine flavor, and has dainty sour and sweet and rich nutrition.