Scaling; for dyeing soaping enhance floating color wash effect.
Answer: Brightening agent can make some clothings that have color wash the more bright-colored, white clothing the more, maintain its whiteness after washing and do not discolour.
Cheating by shuffling intends to the same color card wash themselves before, then according to special order code card, this technique in power play great harm.
Excellent wash basin made out of Chinese marble and exported marble. Various color, various shape, various design.
Similar to the ink and wash painting of our country, watercolor painting pays attention to the mutual integration of "water" and "color".
The color from my red socks ran because I used hot water in the wash.
Bright color, wash separately in cold water and add a small amount of salt, which can play as the role of color fixing.
Sometimes the words are more important, whether they are against a wash of color or a white background.
Mrs. Wang: My silk shirt needs dry cleaning, too. The color will run in the wash.
Wash and soak basmati rice for 20-25 minutes, drained. Slice shallot and fry until golden in color.
把印度香米洗净泡水20 - 25分钟,沥干备用。红葱头切片炸酥备用。
In second part, I describe the completeness of color system and the beginning of wash painting.
Craftsmanship is unique, the work is colorful, achieved true color effect, waterproof wash resistant, friction, long-term preservation.
If wash paint has lyrical art expression function, then we can say that color concept, which is also rooted in traditional Chinese culture, has the same implication.
Each garment is given the color and spend time, find all the clothes they wash the shortest time.
The aesthetic characteristic of Chinese wash painting color is running after the black, and also has its own unique language system, with high aesthetic and artistic significance.
Will the color run in the wash?
To prevent color fading, don't wash your hair on the next day after your hair is dyed.
Double oil storage box to realize deep light color separate washing clothes, wash dark clothes use brunet store cylinder, use light color cylinder storage when washing light-colored clothes.
He said, according to the degree of pandas' fur, breeder will bathe for them from time to time, but the color can't wash.
New products launch ! FormoLight provide products not only Full-Color Display, Traffic Sign , but Street Light, Wash Wall , Decorative Lighting etc.
The color ink wash paintings of Zhu Wei are a case in point.
FormoLight provide products not only Full-Color Display, Traffic Sign, but Street Light, Wash Wall, Decorative Lighting etc.
FormoLight provide products not only Full-Color Display, Traffic Sign, but Street Light, Wash Wall, Decorative Lighting etc.