They are of different colors and shapes.
A splendid display of colors and shapes can be seen in a Kaleidoscope.
Without optional colors and shapes, the product will lack competitiveness.
Includes a variety of bricks in different colors and shapes to build even more models.
Is there a balance within the layout in terms of the colors and shapes of aquatic plants?
Then the world unfolds like a flower, full of colors and shapes that we had never suspected.
We misperceive colors and shapes because our visual sense has been molded by evolutionary history.
The artist in more interested in how to show emotions and feelings and ideas using colors and shapes.
When you look at a painting, for instance, you are aware of it and your mind processes its colors and shapes.
By making effective use of graphics, colors and shapes, a signage system helps to create an identity for Spaces.
A image, this signified is formed though colors and shapes in picture, and purports to be a meaning as a signifier.
There are various species of Lycoris plants in our country, which have rich variations in colors and shapes of flower.
There are thousands of products of all colors and shapes in a supermarket , making you believe that they are worth a try .
I can't because my life has too many twists and turns and different colors and shapes... my guess is that yours is the same way.
An informal space, with daring colors and shapes, with a streak of craziness and irony, with a touch of Mediterranean surrealism.
A spelunker in a glacier cave in Greenland gazes upon colors and shapes that look more like a swirling galaxy than a cave formation.
How can I change the colors and shapes (I realize that many options exist) of both the line graph and the points so that they are still grouped by month?
"Caring" might reflect an interface direction with soft colors and shapes, whereas "guiding" might represent an interface with more contrast and decisive lines.
The visual identity of this product is juncture of traditional and contemporary, which is particularly evident in the specific combination of colors and shapes.
With mine, colors and shapes are a hit, so I generally go, “I Spy from the corner of my eye something really blue”, and then she runs and picks up whatever looks bluish to her!
When conducting a test with bilingual seniors, researchers discovered they were better at tasks that required them to sort out colors and shapes, when compared to monolingual peers.
They have different shapes, sizes, colors, fins, teeth, habitat, diet, personality, method of reproduction, and other attributes.
Eric paints bright colors on paper, cuts out shapes, and then glues them onto another piece of paper.
People can not only enjoy the waterfalls in different shapes and colors, but also listen to nice music at the same time.
With or without human intervention, coastal processes continually morph coasts into different shapes, sizes, and colors.
They switched the food from bucket to bucket, while also alternating the colors and, eventually, changing the shapes of the buckets.
“Visualize the details of what you’re painting,” my instructor said. “See the shapes and colors, the whites and darks.
He enjoys the decorative aspect of the metal and seeks to balance shapes and colors.
He enjoys the decorative aspect of the metal and seeks to balance shapes and colors.