In essence, quantum dots are used to change the colour of the light.
By changing the structure of such a crystal slightly, using an electric charge, the colour of the light reflected by that crystal will change too.
Combining red, green and blue LEDs to produce white light has the potential to be more efficient, and the colour of the light could be tuned depending on mood or taste.
Strong light will affect the depth of colour of your carpets and curtains.
Ever and anon the light from his cigar gave a touch of colour to his face.
Could the same approach also shed light on abstract twentieth-century pieces, from Mondrian's geometrical blocks of colour, to Pollock's seemingly haphazard arrangements of splashed paint on canvas?
The colour depends on the properties of the semiconductor, and these can be tuned to produce light that is similar to natural daylight but with virtually no ultraviolet or heat.
And this, depending on the wavelength of the light concerned (and thus its colour), causes some colours to be amplified while others are cancelled out.
Yet another lighting technology is on the horizon that offers further advantages: even greater power efficiency and softer, warmer light, the colour of which can be precisely controlled.
The wavelength, and hence the colour, of this light depends on the size of the dot.
He has found that their brains remodel to use variations in pitch, tone and volume - in the same way sighted people use differences in light and colour - to build up a picture of their surroundings.
As the light bounces back and forth, appropriate spacing of the mirrors amplifies a particular colour (wavelength) of light, while cancelling out others.
Light entering this lattice gets bounced around in ways that generate colour by reinforcing the peaks of some wavelengths and cancelling out those of others.
For that reason, his Field of Light lies dormant during the hours of day light, but when darkness falls the bulbs flower in transfixing patterns of light and colour.
By analysing data from a sensor that detects light in both the visible and the near-infra-red spectrum, a computer is able to determine the colour, type, shape and position of each item.
This is because the aura colour will be changed by the aura of the coloured background or unnatural light.
When the strain is removed, it forms a ripply surface, and the spacing of the ripples affects the colour of the laser light, which varies as the material is stretched.
Instead, a single wavelength can be selected to produce the X-ray equivalent of a pure-colour beam of light.
Conversely, flood lamps used in theatres and studios produce far more light (and, above all, more light of a higher colour temperature) at the expense of a much shorter life.
Wearing a light blue wetsuitthat matches the colour of the sea will make you less likely to become the victim of a shark attack, according to researchers.
When it comes to eye colour though, the dark side was trounced by the light, with a massive 40.2 of men preferring blue eyes over any other colour.
He told the Mail Online: 'the "phenomenon" has the same greenish colour as the Northern Lights. That means the Northern Lights is the source of light causing the strange phenomenon.'
The temperature of a star determines its colour and, hence, the colour of light used for photosynthesis. Depending on the colours of their starlight, plants would evolve very differently.
Coloured objects and colour filters take colour out of the light that falls on them.
When excited by light or electricity, a quantum dot emits light of a colour determined by the dot's size and the material from which it is made.
Looking now at a sample of contemporary Iranian projects reveals that the country's architects are typically preoccupied with geometry, light, colour and context.
It is an important term in photography to denote the quality of a light source. Sources rich in red light have a low colour temperature and sources rich in blue light have a high colour temperature.
It is an important term in photography to denote the quality of a light source. Sources rich in red light have a low colour temperature and sources rich in blue light have a high colour temperature.