ACO adopts parallel computation mechanism, has strong robustness and is easy to combine with other methods in optimization.
There are different ways to breathe to relax. The methods described here focus only on breathing exercises. Other ways combine breathing with things like yoga, imagery, and meditation.
Seldom a single ozone treatment of dyeing wastewater, but will combine it with other methods, complementary to each other to achieve the best wastewater treatment effects.
At the same time, teachers should also pay attention to the discussion contents to perfectly combine discussion teaching method with other teaching methods.
The author also suggests that isotope method should combine with other geological methods to expand its advantage.
To combine with other waste water treatment methods for the processed water, we can realize the recycled utilization or discharge of waste water.
To combine with other waste water treatment methods for the processed water, we can realize the recycled utilization or discharge of waste water.