The Default attribute combo box sets the primary attribute on the control for data binding.
For example, one browser might show a select1 control as a pop-up menu or combo box while another might use radio buttons and a third a scrolling list.
It explains how to initialize the session scope variable to display the data corresponding to the initial value of the Combo Box control at application startup.
本文阐述了如何初始化会话范围变量,使之显示出与应用程序启动时Combo Box控件的初始值相对应的数据。
Find the Data control to create combo box and select Tomahawk Data Table.
找到Datacontroltocreate组合框并选择Tomahawk DataTable。
I need a color chooser combo box control in one of my projects, to easily select color.
Because the edit field of the combo box shows the current selection, the combo box is by nature a single-selection control.
The function of this control is very similar to the list box or combo box, but it takes up very little space.
Sometimes you might want to put a list box or combo box control in your record view and fill it with values from a second recordset object.
For example, a combo box has at least two control patterns: one that represents its ability to expand and collapse, and another that represents the selection mechanism.
When the combo box gains focus, the full text in the control is automatically selected.
When the combo box gains focus, the full text in the control is automatically selected.