I don't believe I'll come close to scratching the surface of what I would enjoy doing, by the time I've died.
They might not come close to the ISS's orbit, yet Stern believes they will revolutionise the way we, the public, see space.
In any given year, about a dozen known comets come close to the sun in their orbits, the average person can't see them all, of course.
No computer could ever come close to that! The brain weighs just 3 pounds, but it controls everything you do from thinking, learning, feeling even to breathing and your heart beating.
The reading by President Simons on the flow of capital across countries, was kind of interesting, but the data did not come close to supporting the conclusions.
The reading by President Summers on the flow of capital across countries, was kind of interesting, but the data did not come close to supporting the conclusions.
Uranium generates gigantic amounts of energy in a very small space, which wind and solar combined cannot come close to.
The 39-year old brothers said they live and work together, and had even come close to marrying another set of twin women.
No country has come close to that number since Forbes Asia started ranking the biggest and most profitable 50 companies in 2005.
Nearly every country that has achieved universal coverage or come close to this goal has relied on prepayment and risk pooling schemes involving large Numbers of participants.
But using food to feed cars does not come close to an even greater apparent misuse of food.
So far, despite some ambitious efforts, no city or country has come close to achieving universal testing for H.I.V. and treatment for all those infected.
到目前为止,除了一些雄心勃勃的计划之外,没有哪个国家或城市能够提供普遍的H.I.V .检测和对所有感染者的治疗。
These two concerns point to a modest “reprofiling”, which temporarily defers Greece’s debt payments but does not come close to restoring its solvency.
Drivers tell that the bears, everyone is so afraid of, often come close to people's houses.
And no one has come close to finding a recommended number of cups per day for optimum health.
The only European countries whose birth rates come close to America's are France, the Nordics and Britain, and except for Britain they all have excellent child-care facilities.
To come close to understanding the intricacies of the disaster without diagrams is next to impossible.
For such a big city as Beijing, the social carrying capacity has come close to its limit.
But not even Federer could come close to matching Vergeer's 8-year winning streak.
While this is certainly useful information, it does not come close to describing all of the actual business requirements that a messaging network needs to support.
Kantor asked Barack Obama if they had come close to divorce and received the blunt reply: "That's over-reading it."
Death has become a taboo subject, a shameful secret we ignore, hoping with futile foolishness that it won't come close to us.
Though it doesn't come close to the emphasis on - big surprise - continued, massive infrastructure construction.
Saturday's race, challenging as it may be, won't come close to Mrs. Rohr's longest.
There are other Chinese NBA players, but none of them come close to matching the stature, the character and the skills of the soft-spoken giant from Shanghai.
Margaret Thatcher and Winston Churchill come close to qualifying - but both were fond of taking afternoon naps to top up the few hours of rest they got at night.
Whatever the cause, the Tehri Dam hasn't come close to delivering the amount of power or water that was expected.
Whatever the cause, the Tehri Dam hasn't come close to delivering the amount of power or water that was expected.