And once electric cars become commonplace, repair costs should come down, too — making an electric car a good choice for people who want to save fuel and save money at the same time.
And the time may yet come when, before you board an aeroplane, a security guard will want a good look at your knees.
Groupon wasn't just a good idea at the right time, it was an idea exploited to full effect, in ways that will be studied by founders of other startups for years to come.
The end of the year is a good time for reflection, so this month's column will take a look at the discipline(s) of software engineering to assess how far we've come in the last couple of decades.
The spring has come and the scenery outside is wonderful, so it's a good time to go for an outing. But the bad weather stops me at home.
Since learning Japanese have been six months ago, I was learning Japanese hard up, But to spend a lot of time learning, I think the day will come when it will become good at.
Tom: Come on, don't give me a hard time. You know I'm not good at it.
The positive differences noticed from good-doers truly make a difference one person at a time, occasionally influencing others to follow in their paths for generations to come and live harmoniously.
The positive differences noticed from good-doers truly make a difference one person at a time, occasionally influencing others to follow in their paths for generations to come and live harmoniously.