Good news! The Underground Line 1 in Nantong is expected to come into service soon.
The plane is expected to come into service six years late (in 2016) and wildly over-budget.
Many will however come into service of helping their neighbors, and this is needed and desired.
The number of visitors is expected to continuously grow with all the new casinos and hotels come into service.
I can confirm that 200 new trains are being manufactured and that the first of those trains will come into service in May this year.
The planned cable will also link to other cable systems and give direct connections to the rest of the world, and is set to come into service by the end of 1999.
With regard to delivering IT service, there are subsequent, more detailed standards that come into play, such as TOGAF, ISO/IEC 20000, CMMI, COBIT and Six Sigma.
关于交付IT服务方面,有后续的更细节的标准可以遵循,比如TOGAF,ISO/IEC 20000,CMMI,COTIT以及SixSigma。
While looking primarily as a service exposition, we have ignored the deeper integration challenges that come into play when connecting to real, and typically aging, backend systems.
These were the orderings of them in their service to come into the house of the LORD, according to their manner, under Aaron their father, as the LORD God of Israel had commanded him.
Be prepared, be brave, be honest unless you need to lie to save a life, and come into full service and listen to your inner self in all situations.
With the increasing of the need for VOD service on IP Network, many technologies about VOD on LAN have come into being.
With China joining WTO, huge change will come into being in the competitive environment faced by medical& health service enterprises.
Rey Flemings, chief executive of Particle, Robo. to's parent company, says the service should come into its own in 2010 when phones feature a forward-facing camera for video calls.
In this paper, we come up with a Service-specific network architecture, which encapsulate network services into object - oriented middleware.
Therefore sports interpreters, who provide interpreting service for foreign players or foreign coaches, just come into being as time requires.
With our sincerity and best service, we strive to make those talents come into play and help to solve their concerns as much as we can.
Please note that discontinuance of the product does not translate into lack of support, warranty or repair service. Zefon is equipped to provide all of these services for many years to come.
Obviously, if you are in the food industry, service industry work, you often come into contact with foul language.
This new pattern will make the spectators' become hereinafter the controllers of TV news programs. A new trend aimed at service and humanity has come into TV news.
The rear service system, separated from higher education institutions, shall come into the market, which demands the corresponding mode of financial management.
Pensam's Value-added Operating System Was Come Into Being By The Long-term Real Combat. It Could Show The Hotel Cculture, Concept, And Service And Promise To Promotion And Maintenance Sustainable.
Pensam's Value-added Operating System Was Come Into Being By The Long-term Real Combat. It Could Show The Hotel Cculture, Concept, And Service And Promise To Promotion And Maintenance Sustainable.