People come from all over the world to watch them at the Globe Theatre.
Upfront costs make them too expensive for most general lighting applications, but experts expect that to change over the next five years as prices come down and efficiencies go up.
At this point we couldn't tell them what the demo would entail; it would crystallize over the next month or two as we'd come to understand more about the critical and high-risk areas of the system.
Another way to get a bit scattered with your activities is to deal with them as they come up; you lose valuable time starting over the process of concentrating on each new activity.
Now we do this whole bullet thing a few times over. Make sure to move them around and then use the displacement maps so that they come out differently.
Great things happen when a group of employees go out to dinner together, talk over ideas, and then come back to their offices to implement them.
The real problem, he contended, is that Banks all over the world made wrong-headed loans that have now come back to haunt them.
People come from all over the world to see the Royal Family, or at least the people who guard them at Buckingham Palace.
Over 100 companies are known to be under investigation for allegedly backdating options to value them at low points in their share prices, and several hundred more have come under suspicion.
God reached down and fixed them both, while all over the world people who didn't come to your church remained in misery, weeping.
And then you can call a good friend to come over and share the meal you've prepared. Or spend the day with them.
Artists create ice sculptures and combine them with coloured lights to make a beautiful display that people come from all over the world to see.
Even though I have never asked them to work over the weekend, they would come into the office to finish the tasks at hand voluntarily.
She used to come over and I'd bake cookies for her and let her eat them in front of the TV.
Scarcely have you begun to tell them where you come from when a cup of hot and strong tea is handed over to you.
Kids can sit there forever trying to decide, or they whisper and you can't hear them. Meanwhile, the people at the next table are yelling at you to come over.
You really don't care for the words on these pages, you just want them on your bookshelf to show off when friends come over.
She had come in from Vibanda to look them over, to check for injuries, to give them sedatives.
"They told me they would come right over," she said. "I went outside to wait for them and they never came."
He switched over, and when he got to the point of writing his thesis he literally could not get the faculty to read it, he couldn't get them to come to his thesis defense.
Since the Dutch value their personal time, do not ask them to work late or come in over the weekend if you want to foster a good working relationship.
But once this night is over people will wish it had just been a Wolf that had come to haunt them.
Benitez insists both players will get chances to shine over the coming months - and that it will then be down to them to seize the opportunities which come their way.
If you don't want to tell us tonight - why - think them over and come and tell us in three or four days.
If you don't want to tell us tonight - why - think them over and come and tell us in three or four days.