We can come up with the answer together.
I don't think we can come up with the answer tonight.
It takes them all of 0.03 seconds to answer, "No." But it takes them much longer to come up with the answer to my next question.
A UK poll of 2000 females has come up with the answer to the question that has plagued blokes for centuries: What do women look for in a man?
Technology has come up with the answer for people living along who dislike solitary meals: the virtual family dinner, where relatives hundreds of miles apart get together for a chat.
Various research groups who studied this question have all come up with the same answer.
If you can effectively answer and quantify the above, you will be able to come up with an accurate level of effort and schedule that is realistic and valuable to your customer.
More often than not, you come up with the right answer.
They know that they can come up to me with any questions and that I will give them the correct answer and help them wherever I can.
Nobody was really sure what happens if you answer the hardest question he can come up with because it's never happened before.
You lay in bed with the blankets pulled up to your nose, crying, refusing to answer the door when the maid, your manager, your assistant, and finally your parents begged you to come out.
However, you will not come up with a proper answer or explanation if there is not a concise definition and understanding of the business problem.
The dilemma to come up with the most appropriate answer persists all the time as there is a difference in point of view.
The second reason is that people were confused and tried to come up with an answer as to why and how all this stuff got here, so they came up with the ideas of gods.
Since gravity is a conservative force, and since my force is always the same in magnitude except in opposite direction, ; it doesn't matter how I move in; it will always come up with the same answer.
Several people have investigated this over the years and have come up with a similar answer: fewer than 1,000.
Is this you can come up with the best answer?
Is this the best answer which you can come up with?
You won't be expected to come up with an answer on the spot, but instead think about and discuss how to solve the problem.
Then he designed cooking dishes to fit the pattern. He had come up with a resourceful way to approximate the answer rather than using scientifically sophisticated testing equipment.
If you were to disregard the number of petals on the blue flower, you would come up with an entirely different answer of 101.
He couldn't come up with an appropriate answer just at the time.
It can give you a few moments to come up with an answer and, in the meantime, strokes the interviewer's ego a little bit too.
You will come up with the right answer.
The monks thought for a long time, but on one could come up with an answer.
Is that the best answer you can come up with?
Is that the best answer you can come up with?