This is an application of the Command pattern.
This invocation is modeled as a command pattern.
A command pattern oriented distributed system is proposed.
A simplified version of the Command pattern is shown in Figure 6.
The Command pattern used in this article has been simplified for clarity.
The goal of the command pattern is to decouple the invoker from the receiver.
The server implements the Command pattern, so it can add new commands very easily.
All business logic is encapsulated in Command objects by applying the Command pattern.
The state pattern is a similar to the command pattern, but the intent is quite different.
The Command pattern says, "I don't care what the code to run is; just put in this method."
This list can give you some good examples of what kind of problems o features are suitable for command pattern.
A command pattern is created for the selection of the correct rule and its execution in the corresponding rule engine.
As far as I know, four terms always associated with the command pattern are command, receiver, invoker and client.
Implementation of a command pattern with Web services, where a SOAP message defines the command and attachments contained in supporting XML documents.
To make tests into objects, they used the Command pattern, which encapsulates "a request as an object, thereby letting you […] queue or log requests."
The command pattern is distinguished by the encapsulation of distinct activities into reusable objects whose behavior can be parameterized per request.
I am learning command design pattern. As far as I know, four terms always associated with the command pattern are command, receiver, invoker and client.
Purdy also highlighted the Coherence incubator which has grown to include implementations of core application building blocks such as command pattern and messaging frameworks.
Based on the command pattern, utilizing the isolation of method invocation and method execution and using centralized schedule, we designed a flexible online evolution mechanism.
Every command class created from the command pattern would write information to the log. This can include the name of the command class or any parameterized information in the pattern.
The framework we'll create is a simple 3-tier framework that processes business logic using three patterns: the 3-layer architecture pattern, the Singleton pattern, and the Command pattern.
The Command Pattern: encapsulates a request as an object, thereby letting you parameterize other objects with different requests, queue or log requests, and support undoable operations.
The Chain of Responsibility pattern supports decoupling by passing a request between potential receivers, whereas the command pattern supports using a command object to encapsulate a request.
Pattern: Deployers, or headless processes, can type a single command to generate working software for users.
You can specify a pattern on the command line or a list of patterns in a text file.
They specify a pattern, and the command that immediately follows a regular expression address will only be applied to a line if it happens to match this particular pattern.
Pattern: Securely interface with multiple machines without typing a command.
Because it finds at least one match to its two-character pattern on every line, the grep command outputs every line in the input file.
This produced no output, because the "d" command zapped every single line in the pattern buffer!
这不会产生输出,因为“d ”命令除去了模式缓冲区中的每一行!
This produced no output, because the "d" command zapped every single line in the pattern buffer!
这不会产生输出,因为“d ”命令除去了模式缓冲区中的每一行!