Following a period of test operation, the new system is now in commercial operation at the port.
Commercial operation shows infield that the system has higher reliability and better stability in operation.
Commercial bank's credit risk has become a risk system in national economic operation. It's mainly embodied by large amounts of bad loans accumulated in commercial Banks.
This article put forward a solution of the Integrated Operation System Security in small and medium commercial Banks.
Both transactions and services provided for clients need to be accomplished through commercial Banks operational system, so the operation is regarded as the basis of commercial Banks survival.
The establishment and effective operation of enterprise credit guarantee system depend on the positive cooperation between commercial bank and guarantee institution.
In the circumstance of computer informational system, many changes have happened in commercial bank's operation, such as audit procedure, audit plan, the test of interior control, etc.
The system achieved good effect in Shenzhen Commercial Bank, the entire system can be operation reliable, and well meet the design objective and requirement.
A system of commercial concrete stirring control and operation management are developed according to the production characteristics and quality require of HZS120 commercial concrete.
The operation and management activities of commercial Banks are an integral system.
This article first defined the supply chain commercial ecosystem and carried on the analysis to the system operation mechanism and the system structure pattern.
It's powerful action of switching management system, optimizing operation frame and establishing economy type society for our national commercial bank to implement the total cost management.
So, the administrator of hotel small gain must pass a system and groom professionally, stay on technical operation level only not simply, they need skill of commercial public relations more groom.
Experimental debugging results showed, stable and reliable operation of system on voltage circuit breaker, will have certain practicability and commercial worth.
The operation of commercial fitness clubs faced with a shortage in a clear and comprehensive guidance system.
The American executive officer system was introduced into Japanese Commercial Law in 2002, when the law was revised to enhance the efficiency of business operation.
With the operation of this system , the copyright owner can obtain certain compensation payment from the non-commercial use of the individual on the network;
This batch system has been in operation in a number of commercial Banks in China, and achieve the desired functionality.
Micro-analysis of the Internal Control Performance System of Capital Operation of State-owned Commercial Banks Based on Data Validation;
Micro-analysis of the Internal Control Performance System of Capital Operation of State-owned Commercial Banks Based on Data Validation;