Enterprise property insurance is an commercial property insurance for the enterprise to manage its own property risk.
Take Ping an Insurance Group as an example. On the one hand, it entrusts its subsidiary-Ping an Trust-to actively seek suitable commercial property and buy it as an o ce premises.
The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation has its eye on 552 problem Banks, many of them stuffed with rotten commercial-property loans.
By exploiting its AAA rating, GE capital was able to raise capital cheaply and then deploy it to fund everything from commercial-property and home loans to credit-card lending and insurance.
Insuring risks is an activity that is almost as old as commercial banking. Insurance companies offer a wide range of products including life, health, property, and liability insurance.
Insuring risks is an activity that is almost as old as commercial banking. Insurance companies offer a wide range of products including life, health, property and ability insurance.
Insuring risks is an activity that is almost as old as commercial banking. Insurance companies offer a wide range of products including life, health, property and ability insurance.