It is a referential use for the design of spouted bed in commercial scale.
According to HaloIPT a commercial scale demo of their IPT technology is expected in 2012.
The crystalline forms can be produced on a commercial scale and exhibit excellent stability.
It is expected that the way has been paced for the development of on line NIRS in commercial scale.
Countering this problem, the commercial scale trail of oxygen rich leaching of peroxyl was carried out.
That is the hope, although the proof will come next year, when the hybrids are grown on a commercial scale.
Others seeking help on Capitol Hill say they have proven technologies that need help moving to commercial scale.
Cleaning coal of its greenhouse gas byproduct is a widely discussed idea but at this point unavailable at a commercial scale.
We have developed all series *gliflozin APIs and intermediates and all above products are supplied by commercial scale.
The commercial scale test was conducted for impurity molybdenum removal from tungstate solution by selective precipitation method.
CCS technology has been tested successfully on small-scale trials, but is still unproven at commercial scale anywhere in the world.
The distribution of magnetic field in commercial scale electromagnetic soft-contact mold was investigated with numerical simulation.
The conditions and result of a commercial scale trial of gold extraction from stripped barren ore by heap leaching process are reported.
If the oxygen blast furnace is produced in a commercial scale and top gas is recycled, it can significantly reduce fuel consumption and save cost.
An external recycle differential reactor capable of simulating the operating conditions of commercial scale trickle bed reactors has been designed.
It was shown by commercial scale tests and production practice that magnesia content in the concentrate can be reduced from about 10% to less than 7%.
However, producing biofuel from algae on such a massive commercial scale is a major challenge, which will require many years of research and development.
The commercial scale test and the commissioning results confirmed that the operation was normal, the targets were stable and technical process was advanced.
Members shall provide for criminal procedures and penalties to be applied at least in cases of wilful trademark counterfeiting or copyright piracy on a commercial scale.
The completed flexible display then has to be detached from the glass without being damaged, which is difficult to do efficiently enough to make the displays on a commercial scale.
Based on some cases and patent theory, the author summarizes the four points of reconstruction including patented products, worn as a whole, remanufacture and in commercial scale.
Currently, ethanol, from corn grain, and biodiesel, from soybean oil, animal fats, or restaurant greases, are the only biofuels produced in the United States on a commercial scale.
For example, it is not possible to install wind or solar plants on a commercial scale everywhere because some areas of the country are just not windy or sunny enough to yield enough power.
Along the coast at Krung Jaya, clean-up gangs at a highly-specialized installation are working hard to revive another aspect of the fishing industry at the top end of the commercial scale.
Producing devices robust enough to withstand these forces is a formidable engineering challenge, but MCT's flagship device – the SeaGen – has already been proven to work on a commercial scale.
In the developing the oxidative dehydrogenation of butene process, it is found that the effect of heat feedback through reactor wall is different between laboratory and commercial scale reactors.
In the developing the oxidative dehydrogenation of butene process, it is found that the effect of heat feedback through reactor wall is different between laboratory and commercial scale reactors.