The results indicated that the commercial specification of rhubarb was not correlated to the contents of anthraquinones as well as the price.
As with JDBC, OSGi is a specification (currently release 4.2) which has multiple open-source (and commercial) implementations.
Nothing in the SAML specification provides the actual authentication service that a commercial directory server otherwise provides.
The Contractor shall perform the following tests and any others considered necessary to confirm the suitability of the plant for commercial operation and compliance with specification.
Related commercial product specification research.
Standard specification for feeders , detergent , rinse agent , and sanitizing agent for commercial dishwashing and glasswashing machines.
Zinc-Coated (Galvanized) Carbon Steel Wire Standard Specification for Commercial Steel (CS), Sheet and Strip, Carbon (0.16 Maximum to 0.25 Maximum Percent), Hot-Rolled.
的标准规范商业级热轧碳素钢薄板和带材(最大含碳量为0.16%-0.25%) 的标准规范。
Zinc-Coated (Galvanized) Carbon Steel Wire Standard Specification for Commercial Steel (CS), Sheet and Strip, Carbon (0.16 Maximum to 0.25 Maximum Percent), Hot-Rolled.
的标准规范商业级热轧碳素钢薄板和带材(最大含碳量为0.16%-0.25%) 的标准规范。