This is a very utilitarian commercial speculation.
No: "commercial speculation, rubbish production and the mindless reading" is the generalization of the three steps in the publication market.
Some senior management in a large commercial bank told journalists that the policies are intended to guarantee the safety of the loans and avoid misappropriation and real estate speculation.
The central bank will also require commercial Banks to stop lending to property developers who hoard land and house for speculation purposes, according to the source.
CIT, a cash-strapped American commercial lender, fuelled speculation that it may have to go into bankruptcy when it said that it was unlikely to get a federal bail-out.
The telegraph “may help speculation in commercial affairs, but it will interfere very often with the speculations of the newspapers”, observed the Public Ledger in 1858.
Agency officials said that residents in New Year "speculation" should choose the regular commercial Banks, licensed financial institutions to buy gold investment.
The present real estate tax system in China has less effect to stabilize the real estate market, inhibit excessive speculation and lower the price of commercial housing.
The present real estate tax system in China has less effect to stabilize the real estate market, inhibit excessive speculation and lower the price of commercial housing.