The three previous approaches to the weather badge library had one trait in common.
This library provides a set of components and helper utilities that simplify many of the common tasks in developing SWT user interfaces.
The most common cause of such problems is a missing library.
A common misconception that users have is that any third-party library written in GWT magically runs fast, is completely leak free, and renders perfectly on all browsers.
The most common use of library computers by teenagers was to do homework.
This tag library enables JSP-based applications to use a standard tag library to perform common tasks.
Using the standard C string functions or your favorite string library, compare the common name and the host name.
For example, you can now set up a library project holding your common business items, role definitions, global tasks and so on.
For better reuse, it is always a good idea to put those common artifacts in a library.
A library project houses common artifacts that are used by components and artifacts in other module and library projects.
The module-specific class loader for module 1 finds a reference to another module (the common objects library) and loads that module.
When then the module-specific class loader for module 2 loads its module's code and finds a reference to another module (again, the common objects library) it loads that module.
The library gives programmers a common data model covering all raster data formats and -- through OGR -- vector data formats.
JSDT USES a library mechanism to manage common objects, variables, and types in a project.
Note that when these common artifacts are changed in the library, the server needs to be restarted for changes to be effective.
By now you have seen how to configure many of the common elements in a library definition to improve the development experience using third-party JSF components.
Larger disks containing several gigabytes of information will be standard, and terabyte storage — roughly the capacity of the Library of Congress — will be common.
JSR 168 defines a tag library for the most common portlet specific functionality, such as create actions or render URLs.
JSR 168为大多数特定于Portlet的常见功能(例如创建操作或呈现URL)定义了标记库。
We create an STTester.nsf file based on a blank template, and for ease of access, we import our common property broker routines into a LotusScript library.
我们根据一个空白模板创建一个 STTester.nsf 文件,并且为了方便访问,将常见的属性代理例程导入到 LotusScript 库中。
Simple library integration for common libraries through library profiles.
Because this is such a common use for weak references, WeakHashMap, which USES weak references for keys (but not for values), was also added to the class library in JDK 1.2.
因为这是弱引用最常见的用法,WeakHashMap也被添加到JD k 1.2的类库中,它对键(而不是对值)使用弱引用。
You'll find common themes when working with XHR using a library. At a minimum, the wrappers will
当您使用一个库处理XHR 时,能发现一些常见主题。
The Haskell standard library is split into modules, each of them contains functions and types that are somehow related and serve some common purpose.
The W3C XForms specification (see Resources) is one of the first to define a library of XML Events-compatible elements that can accomplish common tasks declaratively.
W3CX Forms规范(请参阅参考资料)是率先定义兼容xmlEvents的元素库的标准之一,该元素库可以通过声明完成一般性的任务。
The widget library includes most common widgets and containers.
The new System.Numerics.Complex class finally offers the common type needed for library interoperability.
They leverage the power of Ext JS data stores, a common object in the library used for linking data to other popular UI components, such as grids.
The files is modified so that the entire Cloudscape library is included in common classpath.
修改 catalina.properties文件,以使整个Cloudscape库都包含在公共类路径中。
The file is modified so that the entire Cloudscape library is included in common classpath.
修改catalina .properties文件,以使整个cloudscape库都包含在公共类路径中。
Copy derby.jar from the Cloudscape library into Tomcat's common library (typically InstallDir \ common \ lib where InstallDir is replaced with the Tomcat installation directory name).
将derby . jar从cloudscape库复制到Tomcat的公共库中(通常是InstallDir \common \lib,其中installdir替换成Tomcat的安装目录名)。