The EU common Agricultural policy is the core contents of the EU common policy.
France invited 21 fellow European Union countries to a debate on the EU's common agricultural policy.
European leaders said high prices showed the protectionist common agricultural policy needed to be preserved.
Finally, the paper makes a summary of the relationship between France and the Common Agricultural Policy.
Yet still the EU's Common Agricultural Policy and the United States' Farm Bill remain sacrosanct in the eyes of the rich world.
The EEC's common Agricultural policy is a dinosaur which is adding 13.50 a week to the food bill of the average British family.
Most of the spending went on farm subsidies under the common agricultural policy (CAP); much of the revenue came from customs duties and farm-import levies.
Estates and country houses across Britain as well as farmers benefit from Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) payments - the EU's system of rural support.
The European common agricultural supporting policy has played a more and more important role in promoting the development of economy and the improvement of social welfare.
The aim of Common Agriculture Policy(CAP) is: on the basis of common market of agricultural products in EU, to carry out common price to promote free circulation among EU;
The aim of Common Agriculture Policy(CAP) is: on the basis of common market of agricultural products in EU, to carry out common price to promote free circulation among EU;